ArchivesMay 2016 - Audio Visual Bend Blog

Array or Not to Array?

May 19th, 2016

An article by guest blogger, Erik Beyer – Regional VP of Sales – CLAIR Solutions

Array are good (2)

why-choose-column-line-array-reflecting-reverberant-room (2)



The industry of live sound installations continues to advance with new and refined technologies.  One area that has expanded is loudspeaker choices.  The use of line arrays goes back quite a ways and is also known as column arrays.  Of course, the form factor has evolved quite a bit.  Nowadays, the use of line arrays are common practice, and a question comes up from time to time as I visit clients:  Are line arrays more hype?  Well, no, they are not.  They are actually a very efficient system design.  On the other hand, you also have the choice of point source systems, which typically use multiple single cabinets to accomplish the coverage needed for a given space.  There are practical applications for both, and I am going to very briefly touch on this topic. Read more »

Saltwater Kills!

May 12th, 2016

Saltwater kills.  These are two words that should never be in the same sentence when you are trying to get your wireless microphones to work.  What do Saltwater and Radio Frequencies (RF) have in common?  Answer: Nothing, really.

But, I have a scenario for you that may help you make a connection.  Imagine you are setting up AV in a 16,000 square foot convention hall. Read more »

I will not fail.

May 4th, 2016

Failure is Not an Option


“I will not fail.” This thought just came to me recently and it flows from my recent post about building and maintaining “Forever Customers.” Then, I found this meme which says it all.  The point is, you have to go into every opportunity and be able to say to your customer, in one way or another, “I will not fail.”

To fail means to be unsuccessful in achieving one’s goal.  I would add that to be a failure is to then give up.  Last year, the Business Insider listed 29 famous people who failed before they succeeded.  I have listed several below to prove my point.  You will read that these celebrities failed many times, but they were not failures. Read more »